Zombie Rank Console Command?
Is there a console command to change your rank completely and permanently in zombies?
Not the thing I'm looking for. For example: Keeping your bone rank but have all permaperks.
they added the perma perks gain and loss to the dedicated servers . theres no command to make them so you dont lose them now .
if you want one bone rank start new and unlock the perma perks manual then copy out the save from %localappdata%/plutonium/storage/demonware/18397/user get file zmstatscompressed
(thats also how you start fresh at one bone) -
gijoebo Since when did they add that? "they added the perma perks gain and loss to the dedicated servers"
I thought that was permanent in servers unless you played solos or custom games. -
they added it about jan ruffly in change log here