{ZM} Blue Bape Pap Camo
Evolight i havent folder like t6r or data did i need to create them too???
this is where you need to place your iwi files, and yes if they dont exist, just create them -
okay im created then?
MeMetr now paste the .iwi files inside the images folder
Jupyter Judging from it. It looks like it replaces the original pap camo, am I correct? Except MOTD and Origins.
Evolight th for all but i tryed they doesnt working
MeMetr send a screenshot of your images folder
MeMetr well.. you're supposed to drag and drop the iwi files in the images folder, how is it supposed to work if the folder is empty
Evolight then what i need to do sorry im dumb.
MeMetr did you even download the files?
go to youre call of duty folder were the game files are located make a folder called t6r inside that folder make another folder called data, make another folder inside that folder and name it images paste the iwi files in there
Jupyter do you have a discord?
Evolight yes
Jupyter Tenc hetarqira niks???#0263 add me in ds
MeMetr Jupyter#0226
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@user042 i havent folder called images dude
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MeMetr you literally just sent an screenshot of your images folder, what are you talking about?