[ZM] Hells Vengeance V2 - Mod Menu
i keep getting these error codes in the crash dumps "Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Address: 0x00000006" -
Razorback650 I just tested both maps and I didn't have any issue
Can you show the content of your scripts folder?
Also do you still have the issue if you remove the script? -
Resxt I don't have the problem if i remove the script but when I go into my scripts folder and zm i see the menu GSC and another GSC called ranked 
Razorback650 You didn't let the screenshot upload before sending the message.
ranked.gsc is a file required by Plutonium, nothing to do with the menu, it's normal.
Is there anything else than a mp and zm folder in your scripts folder? -
Razorback650 you posted the same screenshot 3 times.
I'm talking about your scripts folder, not scripts/zm. Is there anything other than 2 folders in there? -
Resxt ohhhhh this one right?
Resxt Would appreciate that or maybe you can put some effort on this mod menu to update it and make it better , thanks for everything.
Razorback650 Same problem happening to me in zm.
Johnny Balls as stated in the topic I am not the author of this menu so I won't fix or change it
Resxt But whos going to fix the crashing problem when you use the mod menu in zm , when u play solo it crashes after a while saying that plutonium ran into a problem ..... but when i try to play with my friends using the mod menu it crashes after 3-4 rounds.
Johnny Balls I don't know a lot of GSC and I never worked on BO2 and don't want to.
Either use another one on the forum or find one on the internet or fix it yourself.
Sorry but it works fine for me with a clean install of Windows, clean install of Plutonium and no other scripts that's how far my testing has gone. For the rest I can't do anything about it. -
Resxt Ok then you could have said it from the start that u don't know much but thanks anyways.
does this not work on dedicated servers
my server loads the script , but no one is able to access it while in game ? -
KingSkyline23 GSC scripts are loaded server side.
When you host a custom game you are the server.
When on a dedicated server the server is an entity and every other players connect to it, you are not the server.
So basically you give the mod menu to the server which, in case it's a dedicated server, is not a player.To be able to use mod menus on dedicated servers you need to change the mod menu's source code to change the part where it only gives it to the host and instead either make it give it to all players or to certain names/guids.
There is an example of that here https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/1212/release-bo2-gsc-gr3zz-v4-1-zombie-mod-menu -
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Resxt said in [ZM] Hells Vengeance V2 - Mod Menu:
Hells Vengeance V2
Hey I know this is an old post, but any chance you have the source for this? there is a few things I would like to look at
nocat. No I don't but you can try to look on Google. I didn't find it back then
it does not activate on servers tell me what I do to be able to play on servers
it only leaves me in 1 player, I mean alone