Deagle Silencer
I was just wondering if anyone knew how to get the deagle with a silencer
cant be done I think so
You have to add the silencer attachment through the console.
dude its deagle if it had silencer it would be too big
Xerxes Sir but what to type in the console to do it
jdhruv if you want to have the deagle or mp412 with a silencer you need to add _silencer02 after the weapon name, so iw5_deserteagle_mp_silencer02 for example
Tqhr Thanks sir
Tqhr It is not working or I messed up somewhere can you please explain it briefly
jdhruv you need either a gsc that gives you a weapon, command or in a server dsr incase you want to host one
Tqhr I don't think I can do so<but thanks for helping