unable to join games with "connect" command
i am able to join friends with the new friend system however the old "connect" console command no longer works. i am trying to join myself on a 2nd instance (both on the same pc) of plutonium using my own ip, which i have had no issues with until the latest update. is there a work around for this or will i need to sign in on a 2nd account on my 2nd instance of plutonium?
Cloudsy 7 i'm assuming you're running the game in lan mode for this? This doesn't work right now, no workaround. It should work in online mode tho but obviously you need a second pc for this.
my first instance was ran in online mode but the 2nd instance had to be ran in lan mode, i would usually have the second instance on my second monitor and it would work on my 1 pc, its just the connect command is no longer working so i cant get both instances in the same private match game anymore. will the command be working again in the future or has it been permanently removed?