LUI error on UI_luaVM
Hello good people !
I've been enjoying Plutonium few months ago and everything was working fine.
Yesterday i start playing again because of free time. Everything was working really fine, but today, after connecting as usual, everything started to become messy.
I indeed did few search on the board and tried every simple manipulations related to my error:
- Delete %localappdata% folder,
- Check T6 folder from torrent,
- Update video drivers and so on, but the error is still occurring
- Wait for 10~30 seconds after the server list request, aswell as searching server only from the first game menu
Here the error i got today :
========================= LUI ERROR ======================== Havok Script Panic - Main State: UI_luaVM - State name: UI_luaVM Unprotected error (2110789876:96: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: 2110789876:96: in function '(*stripped)' 1186143995:54: in function '(*stripped)' 1602780176:9: in function '(*stripped)' 74500889:133: in function '(*stripped)' (tail call): ? 2361186059:11: in function '(*stripped)' (tail call): ? 3593575555:30: in function '(*stripped)' 2972207793:59: in function '(*stripped)' (tail call): ?) Full Traceback: ============================================================
I would be really happy to get help on this, as i'd really like to play again this game from your launcher !
Thanks for your time
Digitalis87 Screenshot the game when the error occurs please and upload the screenshot here.
Hello !
Sorry for ma late reply, week have been pretty full.
The game is working properly at the time of now, and here what i have understood :
I'm playing with my cell-phone connection, using an USB-C cable. Issue seems to be with the connection. I was so focused on the software issue that i forgot some easy hardware issues.
You can close the thread
2 days ago I downloaded the launcher and the game using the torrent.
As of now, every time I enter a server, after the loading finishes I get the exact same error that Digitalis is getting, my console.log says the exact same thing.
These are the screenshots of when i happens:
I have tried the same steps that digitalis has tried but can't seem to solve it.
Hopefully someone can help me with this issue.
Thanks! -
Agusbear I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?