cheater spoted
i had to make this a youtube link cause it would not let me upload a file. it was the best i can do but yea some guy cheating
here the guys name. video had bad quality
xthedomsterx this is not enough proof and the video quality is too bad.
alright ill get better info then
i have no extra proof, however I was in the same lobby and this user and he claimed to have been banned up to a total of 11 times and just creates new accounts. Is there no way to IP ban a user?
Ketanip "just creating new accounts" won't get you unbanned.
Dss0 I will take it up with the server owner. For future reference may i ask what is sufficient evidence to get someone banned for cheating? In the case, I come across this guy again.
Ketanip more than 10 secs of gameplay showing one suspicious shot, good video quality also helps.
Ketanip We perma ban cheaters so just a guy wallbanging in Nuketown for example is not a proof.
A guy shooting in the air and killing everyone or shooting through walls out of nowhere for example is a proof
A guy hearing someone and tracking his potential positions through walls for example is not a proof, just a suspicious clip -
xthedomsterx Yeah, you need a longer video and better quality. Can't confirm cause it might be just a trusted member with a mod menu provided by the server owner. Most aimbot users would usually use antiaim and more intense aimbot.
/user/nuketown-2030All the same user.
Played against him as another name tonight.
Wall hacks and doesn't mind admitting it.Plays on KS HC NukeJackRaid server a lot
edit: /user/nahzq... other account
CountKilljoy do you have proof that he's cheating?
I'll get you a recording next i come across him.
yea someone gonna have to record it cause i don't have a powerful enough pc to record it with obs. but he was in that game for like 45 min or so just full on cheating.
xthedomsterx after gathering chat logs from the server I spoke to the server owner and got him banned from the server.
You can ban any of his aliases. How is that going to stop him when he keeps renaming?
I have your recording. it's now /user/mynz
Where do you want me to send it?
PS Edit. He acknowledged me. Definitely same guy.
another wallhacker
/user/mathiasdu02000Have video as well.
Tell me where to send them