CIA Outfit :D and sleeves
Made a CIA outfit and sleeves Preview
Download: idk why that logo is still there Idk whats causing it if anyone can tell me how to remove it
Thanks and Enjoy
Edit: Just realized that the download link I made Only Included the Outfit and not the sleeves
Ive edited this post and changed the Link
Sorry for Making that Oopsie
Also for the record the actualy skin doesn't have that logo I just didn't take out the last spectral map of my last skin I had in my images folder
Also forgot to include a how to install Guide Which ill be doing here
How to install: Press the Windows Key + R and type
If you don't have an images folder create itthen you just drag and drop the IWI's into your images Enjoy
Ive also included the Original Textures Incase you want to make your own
This post is deleted!
Hello everyone to the people who downloaded this Recently thank you
Ive recently went back to Editing This and made some changes to it for a "Cleaner" Look
its just the shoes that have been changed but it does look cleaner It looks like this
New Shoe:
Side View:
Ive made this change and a white version of the shoe with a pink sole
So if you want me to upload the Revised version of this Just drop a comment
say yes change
it orno leave it
its up to all of youIll Change the link again (sorry if its annoying)
Old shoe solid color:
Thanks again for all the support
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