Windows cannot find 'modcfgport'
How to solve this?
Thank you
Checked that the server launch line corresponds to this:
start /wait /abovenormal bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe t4sp "%gamepath%" -dedicated +set zombiemode 1 +set key %key% +set fs_game %mod% +exec %cfg% +set net_port %port% +map_rotate
Alex Animate Mp4 can you post the entire contents of the startup batch file (minus your server key ofc)?
@echo off set key= set cfg=server_zm.cfg set name=ZM 1 set port=28961 set mod="" set gamepath=%cd% title PlutoniumT4 ZM - %name% - Server restarter echo Visit / Join the Discord (a6JM2Tv) for NEWS and Updates! echo Server "%name%" will load %cfg% and listen on port %port% UDP! echo To shut down the server close this window first! echo (%date%) - (%time%) %name% server start. cd /D %LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium :server start /wait /abovenormal bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe t4sp "%gamepath%" -dedicated +set zombiemode 1 +set key %key% +set fs_game %mod% +exec %cfg% +set net_port %port% +map_rotate echo (%date%) - (%time%) WARNING: %name% server closed or dropped... server restarts. goto server
Alex Animate Mp4 when you added your server key you didn't use " " correct?
Alex Animate Mp4 said in Windows cannot find 'modcfgport':
Checked that the server launch line corresponds to this:
start /wait /abovenormal bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe t4sp "%gamepath%" -dedicated +set zombiemode 1 +set key %key% +set fs_game %mod% +exec %cfg% +set net_port %port% +map_rotate
The message quoted above is the solution to the problem!