Highrise map from MW2 [New start]
Hello, there is been a issue with some maps that cant load piw5 bot warfare,also the map crashes all time
So I think as per todays condition community is able to port maps from mw2 to iw5, So when we load that custom maps we find no error, sometimes map ported has some issues otherwise the bot warfare has no problem in private match . So the request is that to port highrise map again with zonetool which supports piw5 bot warfare. If anyone can do it please its a request. It would be grateful -
Bubbles Contributorreplied to jdhruv on May 6, 2022, 8:10 PM last edited by Bubbles May 6, 2022, 11:11 PM
jdhruv Bot warfare and all custom maps are ported separately. The map is ported first and then the GSC for the bot waypoints are manually added (or just copy/pasted from IW4x). Whether waypoints work or not is completely dependent on how well they are configured in the first place.
Any errors you get come from mixing a mod with a custom map (something that will eventually be fixed)
Nothing inside the map is part of botwarfare.
Botwarfare needs to be adjusted to support more maps by adding waypoints.You can however as Bubbles said just use the old mw2 ones.
Xerxes Sir it means it cant be ported separately like other custom maps
Bubbles So what is the problem sir ,in this map.
jdhruv Entity waypoints are only there in singleplayer/co-op maps. There is no reason for them to be made for multiplayer maps which is why they have to be configured manually
jdhruv I don't have a proper answer for the question but I would assume that the game doesn't unload memory on map rotation which causes the crash. Not sure why it happens on custom maps and not stock maps