ZM - Script usefull
Sorex was about to ask that too, im learning alot from the sources i can find (with alot of ideas to do but not doing anything cuz it would be just copy-pastes of alot of gsc found throuout the forum)
Naomi_ Hi, so I followed the instructions exactly as described and when I start a solo game the timer doesn't show up. I only dropped that file in the scripts folder cause that's all I wanted but it isn't displaying in game. Is their a console command to enable it or should it automatically be enabled once I spawn in? Here is my exact file path.
Please get back to me ASAP. thanks
CJ Panza Whooo The path is localappdata/Plutonium/storage/t6/scripts/zm.
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Where can I find the source code for these scripts? I'd like to edit the uncompiled versions of these .gsc's
dawged im sorry, i didnt post the uncompiled version but you can use cerberus repo master for decompile it
send the source code.
The inspect wpn button is literally same as alt fire button, if you press that button on origins with having upgraded staff, you cannot access the powerful reviver weapon...
Rise166 Yup, but this button is litteraly the only one you can use, cuz he is the most useless comparate to the others
Naomi_ would it be possible for the inspect weapon animation to play when switching weapons? If it's possible I think it would be more convenient than having to use the alt-fire key
Naomi_ is there a way to make the default fov for the movement and visual script to 65 instead of 100
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@CH3VY yep change the value in the script
Naomi_ do you have by any chance the uncompiled file of the inspect weapon gsc? or a way to use it in multiplayer?
EasilyUnstpp_ nice dump, he never released them, if you read the whole post, he told a person to use cerberus
Naomi_ Do u know why the Perma perks are disabled?
btw. Great stuff -
how do i change the button for inspect weapon?
ririyuki decompile the script or recreate it by hand and change the logic in script
Naomi_ link broken