[ZM] ivy's purple perks pack
@nSuomi hi this purple UI is from this pack https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/3264/release-all-in-one-retexture-pack?_=1620219650581
Cockward hi the purple UI is from this pack https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/3264/release-all-in-one-retexture-pack?_=1620219650581
Eatthebeans thank u so much
@ivy_dylan Hey do you know what the files in the pack is called for the ui? Because the ui retexture is all I want in the pack. If you do know what they are called thanks!
I think your pack looks great but how do i get the purple hud and paraliyzer camo?
@nSuomi Löysikkö ne jo? Voin linkkaa
@ivy_dylan no it isnt. ive been using that retexture, and that ui aint anywhere
@ivy_dylan Harás con mas colores?
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SAINTDEGASPAR mate u done fucked it, you got it out of the purple ui retexture but you forgot the mule kick one
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