Hackers have ruined this shit
I started playing this again after 6 months of not playing because of hackers and people are still hacking in the same exact way they were before. They all have 100+ ping yet they have these unbelievably high K/d's without camping and they all use the same scorestreaks. They're in every TDM/normal server.
Chunga You can't just say "the game is full of cheaters" and expect them to get banned if you don't provide evidence
Bubbles k so the game has had cheaters for at least 6 months (definitely longer than that) and me reporting one of them is going to fix the problem?
Chunga That's no evidence lol
Chunga Rather than questioning what I said, why don't you provide evidence of the supposed cheaters? The admins are very active on the forums and will check all cheater reports. Also, you can report multiple at once. I never said you only had to report one
Whats the point in creating this thread then? ATM you just sound like someone that claims everyone better than them is a cheater...
I have see a many guys using "wall" hacker... but i have to give you a evidence ? i have to make with every cheater? dnt have any "antcheat"?
AnxHall We do have an effective anticheat.
Random claims with 0 proof won't change anything yes this is pretty simple to understand.
There are lot of bad players and controller players who don't know how to play the game and report anyone wallbanging them on 10 years old wallbang spots.If people find a way to bypass our anticheat, which happens on any game on the planet even on million dollar companies, then, just like you would do on a 60$ game run by Activision or whatever create a ticket with proofs and the team will review it and take actions if necessary