Cannot connect at all in Private Matches (T6)
I'm at my wits end here, and starting to get quite pissed off, honestly.
I've followed all documentation that I can find on the issue and now I have no idea what to do or try.
My Port Forwarding options are open, with ports 27016, 3074 and 4976-4977 all opened.
My Router UPNP is Enabled, as well Extended UPNP Security.
My Firewall is completely turned off.I've done every single thing written down in documentation to do with Plutonium T6, and the pile of crap still won't connect. My NAT type is still Moderate, even after opening port 3074, which someone posted somewhere would change my NAT to Open. It didn't. Every time I try to connect to my friend via the Lobby system, I am kicked back to the main screen with a failure to join error, and so are they when trying to connect to me. Connecting via the F10 Menu or via IP resorts in 'Joining Session in Progress' to pop up for a few seconds, disappear, and do absolutely nothing.
What Demon do I have to pray to, and what animal do I have to sacrifice to get this damn thing to work like it should be doing?
Nerhv first you're doing it wrong
Port forward is for the person being joinedYou try to join your friend while in a party, in the menus
If that doesn't work he tries to join you.
If that doesn't work one of you port forwards the port 3074 (UDP) and the other joins him, still while in a party in the menus.If it still doesn't work then I assume you have a firewall blocking something or your port forward rule is wrong.
But keep in mind that port forward is for the one being joined, not to join others -
Resxt Aye, I know that. My friend has been the one trying to join me. We just tried the opposite way once on the off-chance it would work.
I'll screenshot my Port Forwarding when I get home, but I'm sure it's all correct.
As you can see, my ports that need to be opened are opened, as far as I'm aware.
If that doesn't work one of you port forwards the port 3074 (UDP) and the other joins him, still while in a party in the menus. 3074 has been opened, and when she attempts to connect to me, she receives the error 'Unable to join game session'.
Honestly don't know what to do at this point.
I see that your port forward interface is very simple so no way to see if the port forwarding is done on your PC and on the correct network adapter.
Your router might not even support port forwarding, don't know.
Ask the other person to port forward 3074 UDP and join him then, I have no other idea other than that or a firewall blocking something on your PC.
Note that some antivirus have built-in firewalls that will block hosting -
I have same problem, and i couldn't fix it. Try to use RadminVPN
I found out that it is possibly because the router is in double nat (you can search more about it). -
I have had the same problem for months until I finally figured out that the problem was happening because I had a double NAT.
To fix it I went to the GUI of my ISP(Internet Service Provider) and forwarded the ports there. I then went to file explorer of the device that I was trying to host from, then network, then under network infrastructure I right clicked on my router, then clicked properties, then settings, and then made the port rules there too (3074 UDP, and 4976 UDP).
From what I'm understanding making the port rule in the GUI of your ISP opens the port for the modem and not the router, so the connection essentially goes through the modem and stops at the router.
Making the port rule for your router inside of windows seems to eliminates this issue, at least it did for me. I now have an open NAT type and friends can join with no issues.There are also a few other ways of eliminating a double NAT, but a double NAT is likely what is causing the issue.