Win 10, Intel i9-9900k, 3.60 GHz, NVIDIA 2070 Super - Game will drop down to <10 FPS consistently.
I have messed with all the Graphics settings. Running it at the worst Resolution, no shaders, no bullet impacts. Texture Quality set to Low.... The game somehow cannot run properly at all and my PC should easily be able to run this game based on my specs.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
- Uninstalled and re-installed entirety of T5. Same issue persists.
Are you syncing every frame // using V-sync and or using an FPS limit higher than 240?
blazevspfister Turn off Vsync and uncap the FPS. I've heard that lots of people had their FPS capped on Pluto T5.
Decadunce using 333 still runs fine on my end.
This was happening to me in iw4x, I went into nvidia control panel and game was using my integrated graphics instead of Dedicated so i switched it now it works amazing,,, Went from 30fps to 300+