[Release] [Zombies] Insane Clown posse joker card album covers as perks
The most hated band of all time the insane Clown posse is finally have their album covers represented as perks in Black ops 2 and it will also come to Black ops 1 and world at war. Later on down the line but for first let's do Black ops 2.
Download link MediaFire https://www.mediafire.com/file/jbhjfrsf5qm504t/ICP+joker+card+album+perks.zip/file
Just download this like any other texture mod.
To be honest there are going to be two versions of this mod one is going to have all the joker cards in order of how they came out so quick revival will be carnival of Carnage juggernog will be ringmaster and it will keep going on and on. Until you get to the final joker card which is furious fury which will be on electric chair. So basically what I did was each joker card is represented by each perk. By the time the door card came out. So because Ascension came first. You got stamming up and PhD which were the new perks that came in on that map. So for PhD we got the amazing jackal brothers and stamming up is The Wraith. But I do plan on making a completely different version of this mod on making the actual album covers be more accurate to the perks that they're associated with.Warning because I'm terrible at using a resizing tool some of these are not done 100% correctly. It shouldn't be noticeable for most people but if you notice it I'm sorry.
Let's get into this
Quick revive is turned into carnival of Carnage
Juggernog is the ringmaster
Speed cola is the Riddle box
Double tap is the Great malenko
PhD is the amazing jacko brother
Stamming up is The Wraith. And he will be taking you to Shangri-La
Bang pow boom is Deadshot
Mule kick is the mighty death pop
Tombstone is The marvelous missing Link
Furious fed fury is electric cherry.