Original poster (OP) YUNG MILES posted this Damascus camo for bo1 but didn't add any pictures so I did for them.
If you want to download this camo go to the op here https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/21755/bo1-damascus-gold-camo-a-bit-shitty-tho-tbh
![alt text](image url)
hey thanks man is it alight if i just add this to my post and credit u?
YUNG MILES of course!
hey man i got a new gold skin i wanna post can u make some screenshots for me https://github.com/YUNGMILES/dark-milkyway
Next time you would like me to get any screenshots for you we should just add each other on discord I think it will be more convenient for both of us. My discord is qwertyup536#9804
I have also recorded a video so people can see how it looks. so you can just copy and paste the link if you want to use it. It should hopefully be fully uploaded by then.
thats sick thank you!
a new bond of friendship has been created
what does it replace?
if its gold i cant it looks so good compare to any cod game
GhostRider0125 yes it does replace gold, sorry brobot.