bo1 zombies help lag and small screen
STRONGPASS can you clarify? what do you mean by "small screen"?
i can show a screenshot but i cant
it just screenshots the bootstrapper
not the game F12 to screenshot crashs -
use "snipping tool" built into windows 10
i have windows 11 will it work?
STRONGPASS have you tried?
snipping tool is a program to take screenshots.
its still not helping i cant screenshot the game i cant open the game when i enable it
Dss0 my bo1 is also very laggy every 8 secs i get a bad lagspike and fps hits 0 then i get to play good for another 8 secs also every server i join in doesnt matter how low the ping is its always very laggy i downloaded your pluto bo2 and it runs like a charm good fps and everything but bo1 seems to just run like shit
press the tilde key (to the left of 1) and type:
cg_fov 80.
cant help u with the lag though, we all get it...
actually something that will help a bit with your frame issue is this command:
com_fpsmax 145
or com_maxfps 145 or something, i forgot