I need help setting the number of zombies per round. I used this code and complied it but it doesn't work on servers.
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_utility; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm; init() { //enables the override for zombies per round level.cmZombieTotalPermanentOverride = getDvarIntDefault( "cmZombieTotalPermanentOverride", 0 ); //sets the number of zombies per round to the value indicated level.cmZombieTotalPermanentOverrideValue = getDvarIntDefault( "cmZombieTotalPermanentOverrideValue", 6 ); }
I put this in the config.cfg but it doesn't work.
set cmZombieTotalPermanentOverride 0 set cmZombieTotalPermanentOverrideValue 1
There's always more than one zombie.
Does the value have to be the same on _clientids.gsc ?
@Zombeeezees said in I need help setting the number of zombies per round. I used this code and complied it but it doesn't work on servers.:
set cmZombieTotalPermanentOverride 0
set cmZombieTotalPermanentOverride 1 set cmZombieTotalPermanentOverrideValue 1
The value must be the same for the mod and the config.cfg?