Can't play with my brother
So basically my brother and me wanted to play BO1 zombies
so we make a private match, but the host doesn't lag and the other does alot. Same as multiplayer could you help? -
Do you mean lag as in ping? Or lag as in fps?
lag in ping
If you guys live in the same house I honestly don’t know, but if you live far from each other that might be it. How’s your ping when you join public servers? Could be a plutonium sided issue.
DripGod we live in the same house and server ping is like 10 to 30
Dogeeee said
we live in the same house and server ping is like 10 to 30
Why is that even an issue, though? Any public server you join is gonna have at least 50 ping. Even by that standard I haven't experienced any appreciable lag in terms of inputs, zombie hit distance, zombie animation and corresponding hit detection, etc.
shidcat did u read what my actual issue IS?!
Dogeeee I don't understand what your issue is. You said you lagged in ping not fps, so am I safe in assuming your not bouncing across the screen? Please expound on the issues you're seeing with gameplay as you haven't mentioned any of the situations I've relayed in my post or the usual conditions that go along with it. I can't imagine seeing any issues with gameplay caused from 10-30 ping. If you're just mad about seeing any ping at all I don't see why this is a problem. It's not a big deal.
try setting up a LAN connection to remediate any ping because the network has to ping your connection across to your isp and back to your house to communicate with your brother