How can I play over LAN?
I have been trying to connect to my downstairs computer using connect 192.XXX.XXX but i get "Couldn't connect to server" after I start a private match.
pinkpumpkinaid bo1 works differently, you don't connect directly by ip here but by session id. try using the friendlist to join.
Dss0 How can I find my session ID number? I'm not seeing other LAN players on the friendlist.
GreppiM oh you want to play with friends in lan mode, not possible atm.
No, I don't want to play with friends online on LAN mode, merely connect two computers in the same network on LAN mode. Is that possible at all on BO1?
I tried what was in the documentation, it didn't work:
GreppiM only way i see it working is via the friendlist, so both the accounts on both pcs need to be friends on pluto.
Dss0 My friends list does not appear when you press F10, any solution?
Bryan98_X 0 bo1 and bo2 use the friendlist that's integrated into the game.
Dss0 Oh ok then. Are there any plans in the future to support LAN for BO1?
Dss0 How can I play with friends, if I have the torrent version offered by the forum
Bryan98_X 0
GreppiM when you say lan what do you mean exactly? playing with friends on your lan without an internet connection? if you have an internet connection it should already work the exact same way you would play with them if they are outside your lan.
Dss0 Yes, without having to autheticate, using the "-lan" launch argument on the bootstrapprr.
With Plutonium T6SP and T6MP, I can simply use "connect" and the ipv4 number to connect.
My goal is to setup a LAN party and make a portable install that's easy to setup.
GreppiM2 i'm not aware of any plans for that, also this is currently broken on t6 (in lan mode only).
Dss0 Friends do not appear on LAN, even after creating multiple accounts and following each other, the friendlist remains empty on LAN mode. As far as I'm aware, LAN only allows for Solo play.
GreppiM yea how would they without a connection to our servers? for functionality like friends you need an internet connection.
Dss0 Well, I thought perhaps it'd save friend ids in the profile and attempt to reach them on the local network.
So currently there's no way of playing multiplayer on LAN? Not even by mounting a dedicated server?
GreppiM2 not on t5 no