[Release] [Zombies] Kawaii Perk Icons
Anime Titties so kawaii
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@Tentha thanks for the reply. I'll try to make who's who and vulture aid in the next few days.
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Anime Titties Nice. Absolutely love it.
lesgoo, nice release B)
can you kindly port this onto bo1
@frenzies Took my baby brain a while but it should hopefully work now. BO1 Perks Download
Anime Titties Update this and make Vulture aid a harpy. Please.
Anime Titties How do I add to my game?
nice work on it also does it change the way how the perk machine look?
Hi, I've been trying to make custom perk machine skins that use these icons so that they match up. So far I've only got Jug, Staminup and Speed Cola. If you'd like I can send you the files as I'm sure you'd do a better job than me.
IceLucidify First download the zip folder from the download link and extract the ".iwi" files. Next locate your game folder. It should be called "pluto_t6_full_game" next open it and go into pluto_t6_full_game / t6r / data / images. If your missing any of those folders just right click new> folder and name the new folder to the correct corresponding name. Then just put the ".iwi" files into the images folder. After that just launch the game and enjoy.
TheMageLord I'm not that good at making perk machine textures but ill give it a try once I get a chance. Please send met the ones you've already did, I'm curious how they turned out.
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