Origins Staff Upgrade Helper
AquaEther did you play solo or with other people?
chicken emoji solo
chicken emoji very cool
AquaEther Well it might be the thing hinder mentioned then i noticed random crashes on origins when making it so if it does give an error consistently when you use the mod then it probably is the mod but it might just been an issue with plutonium in general unless you are sure that it happens consistently with the mod
chicken emoji no it only happens when i have my mod menu in my scripts folder would it fix it if i made a scripts folder with tomb and the end like "zmtomb" so it only is being used in origins and its in a seperate folder
AquaEther not really thats just to make the mod only load on origins maybe you could try another menu there are some releases here
chicken emoji idk what menu to use
AquaEther Idk which one youre using or where you have it from but ig you could try this one and see if it works
chicken emoji no that one dosnt work but i did find 1 that did so im good now
JezuzLizard Hi, I Didn't understand quite well where i should put the file, and where i must put the <Origins> folder.
I already tried all these and none worked :
- scripts/zm/origins/~file
- scripts/zm/Origins/~file
- scripts/zmorigins/~file
- scripts/origins/~file
kndhvh its scripts/zm_tomb/
kndhvh try scripts/zm/zm_tomb it works for me at least but thats only if you dont want to get an error when you load other maps
chicken emoji btw if u put the command "bind p say staffhelper" in the command bar then whenever u click p it will activate the helper but p is just an example
Do you possibly have any plans to make a origins Easter egg helper if you do that would be so sick
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