cant find any servers, unlock all doesnt work
i cant find any servers no matter how many times i refresh and exit the game and reinstall the whole game too, the game is able to access the internet and i have no firewall. what do i do?
bigfote I don't believe you have "no firewall". Something is blocking the connection to the servers which usually means a firewall related problem.
bigfote You CAN'T find servers in default game menu user interface! server are only found in custom plutonium T6 UI (one that pops up every time you try to click esc key in menu or at start of the game saying unlock lot but not everything yet stuff)
Infamous i have allowed the game to go through my firewall, and have also disabled my firewall while installing it and running it but it didnt work still
Giolighter yes i know that, ive used plutonium last year, but nothing is in the server list now
Try running Piry.exe as admin again don't delete the game just run piry and that's it