Plutonium with, uh- *inauthentic* MW3 copies?
So I bought MW3 a couple years ago and just found plutonium a couple days ago. I've been having a blast playing it and want to play with some friends, but none of them have bought MW3 and probably don't want to fork up the cash for a 9 year old game. Plutonium is mostly separate from Steam servers from what I know, so would pirated copies of MW3 work on it? I don't really have a way to test it myself but if anyone knows that would be cool.
Delve You could use a pirated copy but why bother? Read this guide on how to download the base game files for free and legally:
Infamous I had no idea you didn't have to buy MW3 in the first place, guess I didn't read the guide close enough lol. Thanks for the help!