[MP] anime mix backgrounds (10)
might do PaP camos next if I can find them. If the order is wrong please tell me kind held off on this one for a bit
!!!! just remove the number on the iwi file figured that was easier
Tutorial: place iwi files in images t6fullgame/t6r/data/images if you don't have these make themmega:https://mega.nz/file/1SA2STRT#PpG1eF5bkt4P7PT9eNnFS4YwRYFhleszUyiOckq9Qbohtt
10 -
Damn This is cool
Are these images from real anime or is it just art?
Gwont a few are from a game 1 is a vtuber and the rest is just original art so yea just art.
Gewehr thats cool 1 more question though is there a way to make the image whatever I want?
Yea as long as the images is 1920x1080 any smaller and it will look stretched. You can dm me on discord and I can walk you through it it's pretty easy to do
Nice, I like these.
It's not working for me? I put the iwi files in the images folder in my t6r and loaded my game up and nothing?
Me and You data comes after t6r for example
If that doesnt work then idk.
Gewehr is there anyway i can get these for zombies?
Gewehr looks good
@SayKo_ rename it "lui_bkg_zm" and put it into images. I put a download link but it didnt copy the name oh well.
you should down;oad this too it gets rid of all the astroids https://www.mediafire.com/file/ti2c3qczmf0bgft/transparent_zm.zip/file -
@MalSpams rename it "lui_bkg_zm" and put it into images
you should down;oad this too it gets rid of all the astroids https://www.mediafire.com/file/ti2c3qczmf0bgft/transparent_zm.zip/file -
I have installed it correctly, but when I start the game it remains exactly the same
Oaxaco_satin then you dont have it installed correctly.
Gewehr sorry im new to this, how do i get it to work? i made a new folder and put everything in. not sure what im doing wrong
If your folder path looks like this
and you named one of the file "menu_mp_soldiers" and placed it in images It should work. -
Gewehr when i got rid of the numbers it worked does it mean that it wont cycle
McGriddle You can only put 1 meun at a time so yea.