Custom wallbuys ?
I'm trying to figure out how to add a m16 wall buy on town since hours and even though I found the code of JezuzLizard that managed to do it on this topic :, I still can't find how to use it since the code is so complex for me from all I've tried that undoubtedly failed.
Thanks to anyone who will try to help me because on this one I think I'll never find out for myself.
dontknowletsplwrote on Jul 5, 2021, 5:32 PM last edited by dontknowletspl Jul 5, 2021, 8:35 PM
this is what i made while back for my custom town survival. could be cleaner.. weapon is located next to upstairs box.
Perfect, it works ! You're the best
@dontknowletsplay can you please tell me how you did it? I want to add a thompson wallbuy on Origins lol
SantiTheII It is open source you can learn how i made it by reading the code.
SantiTheII ive done it, i might post it here when i have the chance
Angry Cat ok thank you, if you do end up sharing it could you please share it with me?
Angry Catreplied to SantiTheII on Mar 2, 2023, 4:16 PM last edited by Angry Cat Mar 2, 2023, 6:16 PM
SantiTheII Yeah, it needs some more polishing
Angry Cat ah I see, well thanks for replying anyways lol