cant join a server
We can't help you if you don't provide us with the error.
H3X1C UI Error 58339
Did you give yourself extra classes or 17/10 class slots?
Mr. Android yes
@Lamo-Rcxz Don't do that, it causes class corruption. type resetstats into the console to reset them and you should be fine.
Mr. Android k thanks.
@Lamo-Rcxz No worries, have a good day.
Mr. Android So.. If I edited my classes to be 10 class slots without the commands will it be fine or should I type the command anyways?
Ranjez Probably worth typing the command anyway.
Mr. Android some of my friends can't join my server when we play standard gamemodes.. but when we play party gamemodes they can
Ranjez the game crashes and they get (Oops! T6 ran into a problem etc..)