bots for iw5x would be sick. don't know if it'd be possible or not. for iw4x, i have trouble getting into servers most of the time so i mainly play against bots, would love that feature on iw5x
There is no such thing as iw5x.
wouldve thought u would know what i meant lol. pluto iw5
Shayde We don't appreciate our users calling the project the wrong name. It spreads misinformation, don't engage with it. In regards to your post, bots have already been added.
my b fam didnt mean to & will we be able to get bots on private match ?
Shayde if you go to Private Match and start a game, type "bot <number>" in console (for example I'd type: bot 11) then press enter, boom bots exists. You can level up verses these bots and stuff, just be warned the bots aren't up-to-scratch at the moment. However, I'm sure they're being worked on :).