Controller bindings
i usually play bumper jumper tactical flipped on newer cods. im wondering how i can change my controller binds so that i can
Jump with L2
Crouch with R3
Tactical Grenade with X
Melee with Oall other binds default.
Take a look at
. It should contain all your saved binds in clear text.
I'm not sure if you can change the file and it will load the changes on start up but you definitely can re-bind them through the console.
Might be worth trying to change the file then set it to read only to prevent the game from changing it and to see if the edited binds are loaded. -
ok ill give it a go
Xerxes how do i rebind them throught the console?
when i open the file as notepad, it comes up with my keyb binds
where you able to? im looking in doing the same
na i couldnt figure out how to do it. i just got the shoulder buttons to be aim and shoot and thats it
i mean you could just go into ds4 windows but it got super confusing for me i just gave up
This thread is old but I was struggling with a similar situation (I play bumper jumper flipped, use to play bumper jumper tactical flipped so I got to show respect to the bumper jumper tactical players)- and I came across this thread so others will too. If you're one reply : )
Open console by clicking accent mark on your keyboard and COPY AND PASTE THESE (starting at the first bind lol)-
BUMPER JUMPER TACTICAL NON FLIPPED- bind BUTTON_A "+smoke"; bind BUTTON_LSHLDR "+gostand"; bind BUTTON_B "+melee"; bind BUTTON_RSTICK "+stance"
BUMPER JUMPER TACTICAL FLIPPED- bind BUTTON_A "+smoke"; bind BUTTON_LTRIG "+gostand"; bind BUTTON_B "+melee"; bind BUTTON_RSTICK "+stance"; bind BUTTON_LSHLDR "+speed_throw"; bind BUTTON_RSHLDR "+attack"; bind BUTTON_RTRIG "+frag"
ME BUMPER JUMPER FLIPPED- bind BUTTON_A "+smoke"; bind BUTTON_LTRIG "+gostand"; bind BUTTON_LSHLDR "+speed_throw"; bind BUTTON_RSHLDR "+attack"; bind BUTTON_RTRIG "+frag"
Hope this helps anyone. I made sure all of these commands are working fine. Share it around if anyone else needs help.
Juhin anyway to make the bindings permanent?
entering it in the console every time on game launch is tiring -
1a.3 Me too bro i want this so bad and a permanent thing like how it is on MW2