[Release] (ZM) - Origins Enhanced Version
noticed a few things from watching bo3 origins. The lightning and sky are very different. Everything is really vibrant, maybe there is a limit with that in bo2 but I think if you play around with that it might look even better
gasha_ That's right !
Miltonlosking You downloaded the old version dude
LKurama hola como descargo la nueva version?
can i use your hud textures from this to make a custom buried hud?
can i use your hud textures from this to make a custom buried hud?
I really liked this project! though I liked the Shadows of evil hud so I made an extention for these textures:
All thanks to LKurama.
Edit: best with these SoE perk icons : https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/16641/soe-perk-icons?_=1691080499991
@Qooyak Where did you get the SoE HUD ? By extracting it ?
I took a screenshot in SoE and editied pixel by pixel :3 overwriting the our hud image in paint(dot)net. sadly I couldn't get the panel behind the numbers due to resolution limitations
@Qooyak I'm gonna give you the original file directly extracted from BO3, so that you can provide the best quality as possible
LKurama omg thanks man. but what do you mean by " directly extracted from BO3 ". we can do that? and if we can, will I be able to extract textures from the bo3 t7 torrent? Thank u x10000, once again.
@Qooyak I don't really know, I've got the Steam Version
LKurama btw which program did u use to extract texture files from bo3? and which ipak thing did u extract the bo3's SoE texture (dam now I feel like I am annoying u sorry)
Map -> well, there are shared files in initial, zm_base or things like that.
hud -> you just have to extract the files when BO3 is running. -
LKurama uh oh, guess Boiii Client doesn't count as BO3 sad music but I guess the hud icon thing is all I need (which u gave :3) and I am actually working on it. for the numbers I think I will edit origins numbers (DONE!).
@Qooyak Oh well, that's why I do use Steam version
This does the same thing for Plutonium
For the numbers, maybe you could try "Refrigerator Deluxe" font
I might have to fix the hud position and even though it looks good on origins abit, I am gonna add it to motd and tranzit bcuz of the theme -
Download link: https://mega.nz/file/c7c1VKBC#9IvpRrepcmwJu00hgUWviA0k2GhhZsuarhq_pG3Thqs
Description: Shadows of Evil HUD from Black Ops III for Alcatraz Black Ops II. Extract the .zip into images folder. All credits to LKurama
Yay SoE HUD textures are ready but for Alcatraz. Thanks
(should I make a different post for these LKurama?)
@Qooyak Yeah, you definitely should make a different post instead of sending this release here
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