[Release] (ZM) - Origins Enhanced Version
Origins Enhanced Version ULTIMATE update
Last update released in February 2023
Hello everybody ! Today I decided to share a work with you. One unfinished work. Evidently, it takes me a lot of time. So, I'm going to remove my old post and copy the old post to this one. Disclaimer, It might be not finished yet. I could have made some mistakes, so, subscribe to my profile if you want to get some updates.
Just editing some textures and sounds, do you wanna see them ?
After a lot of time, I decided to upload these textures. Because a lot of people wanted them.Plutonium is a really nice place where you can "mod" without replacing directly the original files? (Excepted for sounds) That's why I love sharing that project with the community and my friends.
BO2 Left - BO3 Right
BO2 Classic left - BO2 Origins Enhanced Right
Better textures (Thanks Black Ops 3 Files)
Lil' User Interface
Conversion process indicator :
Where can I download that ?
How to apply that ?
Sounds :
Tutorial for Sounds : -
(0) - Keep the original files that would be replaced. It's not as easy as textures. Yeah, it replaces directly the game files. Download link provided on 6th step.
(1) - Download the .zip pack
(2) - Find your game directory (it contains some of these folders)
(3) - Extract your zip file (desktop recommeneded)
(4) - Drag and drop .sabs & .sabl files into this path :
Your game dir\sound
and if Windows asks for replacing your file, just replace then. -
(5) - Now start the game.
(6) - (Only if you want to get back your original files) Dowload this ZIP file and extract it onto
Your game dir\sound
folder. Then, restart the game.
Please report me every issue found
Update zip file (changes every time it gets an update) :
https://www.mediafire.com/file/bakpa73pi0ckj97/Update.zip/file -
This is fantastic work, great job!
i've been waiting a long time to have this masterpiece. ITS SO EPICCCCCC
Mr.MaPSaBino I really appreciate your comment. Thanks a lot, but it needs to be improved
LKurama I just downloaded the texture they look how they shine my eyes are purified from so much deduction good work bro still wants to see this project finished and live the experience of the real zombies
LKurama 10/10
@iAmKappy You're wrong
I will update the files today after some things that did'nt please me.Yeah, for the audio, I forgot to give a file
For the textures,
- Blue eyes turned to green eyes (Fixed soon)
- Blue sky instead of Cyan Sky (Fixed soon)
- The PaP Camo is not exactly the same as the shown one (Fixed Soon)
- Conversion process wheel wasn't really at the middle (when you activate a generator - Fixed soon)
Zombies eyes not fixed yet but tomorrow it will be uploaded
LKurama Bro is there an update.? I have to download the files again.?
Mr.MaPSaBino Yup, I'm lookin' for another way to upload the updates without downloading everything
For the textures, it won't be a great problem, but for the sounds, you must download that again
Tomorrow Will be posted a zip file which only contains the textures that must be replaced / added.
But right now, I can't do that immediatly because I'm very tired xD
LKurama xD Thanks for the reply
bo2 origins has never looked better
LKurama noice but sound not but ok
ZakharAsli What's exactly wrong with sounds ?
Looks excellent
even though it's not finished
I can't wait for the final version to come out -
LKurama ok really i dont like bo1 sound
bo3 sound so fun
ZakharAsli Oh I totally forgot that !!!! Okay I note for later
i think the numbers for the ammo count are a bit lower resolution than black ops 3's