[Release] (ZM) - Origins Enhanced Version
LKurama Mauser PaPd sound would be a good change too, most players use it
if you find the supressor texture might be able to also change its color to look like the barrel i guess (because it cant be removed yet)
AdrX003 So, yeah, uuh it uses the RayGun MK2 sound, not a dedicated sound for that weapon, and I was really disappointed when I saw that
Little Update Tomorrow
LKurama said in [Release - Beta] (T6ZM) Origins Enhanced Version:
Origins Enhanced Version BETA
Hello everybody ! Today I decided to share a work with you. One unfinished work. Evidently, it takes me a lot of time. So, I'm going to remove my old post and copy the old post to this one. Disclaimer, It might be not finished yet. I could have made some mistakes, so, subscribe to my profile if you want to get some updates.
Just editing some textures and sounds, do you wanna see them ?
After a lot of time, I decided to upload these textures. Because a lot of people wanted them.Plutonium is a really nice place where you can "mod" without replacing directly the original files? (Excepted for sounds) That's why I love sharing that project with the community and my friends.
Talking about that work
- Total work estimated : 30 percent done
- User Interface customization estimated : 95 percent done
- Weapons customization estimated : 90 percent done
- PaP Camo : Finished
- Map customization estimated : 30 percent done
- Other details : I don't really know
BO2 Left - BO3 Right
BO2 Classic left - BO2 Origins Enhanced Right
I hate pixelated paper
Better textures (Thanks Black Ops 3 Files)
Lil' User Interface
Ray gun
Conversion process indicator :
Where can I download that ?
How to apply that ?
- Install custom textures
- Sounds :
Tutorial for Sounds : - (0) - Keep the original files that would be replaced. It's not as easy as textures. Yeah, it replaces directly the game files. Download link provided on 6th step.
- (1) - Download the .zip pack
- (2) - Find your game directory (it contains those folders)
- (3) - Extract your zip file (where you want)
- (4) - Drag and drop .sabl files into this path :
Your game dir\sound
and if Windows asks for replacing your file, just replace then. - (5) - Now start the game.
- (6) - (Only if you want to get back your original files) Dowload this ZIP file and extract it onto
Your game dir\sound
folder. Then, restart the game.
You Are Robot
ZakharAsli Yeeah boii really soon
Update !
- Added some textures
Download update :
https://www.mediafire.com/file/bakpa73pi0ckj97/Update.zip/fileNote :
- If you arleady have downloaded the base zip file, the only thing you need is downloading the update zip file.
- Base file is updated too. It contains base files + updated files.
LKurama ok NOICE what kind textures added
ZakharAsli Discover yourself, but I can say Bricks and Burned Wood
Before :
After :
Yup ! It's better
LKurama Hi, can you tell me your Discord so I can send you a DM about this?
LKurama noice
sooooooooooo uhhhh whats next LKurama
levelterm I Don't really know, my PC has just been repaired, so yes, I hope some content will be sent soon
I played with the mod and it's great, but could you make the hud look like in BO3? (I mean when you press tap / when you check the score and when you get a part of the shield / staff)
I was going to put 4 captures but I get an error, f.
RedEnder Hey ! No It's currently impossible yet. Sorry for that
Do some servers not allow this? I usually play on OP GOLD Origins but now the server doesn't appear anymore. Is this just a coincidence?