[Release] (ZM) - Origins Enhanced Version
@FuryStorm Updating it
I just need a lot of time
This project is really hard to make, it can take a lot of time even though this is a "little" update -
LKurama Where do I put the map file?
BOOD240 What do you mean ?
This post is deleted!
This post is deleted!
LKurama omg i love u broh
LKurama bro why my origins textures are so bad???
Some textures are compressed because their resolution is too high. But there won't be any difference between the custom texture and the original one if I downscale it, that's why you've got black pixels on your walls
(I lost the texture that makes that problem honnestly, but I'll try to fix that soon)Now for your first pic, I'd like to remember you that I don't control everything on Black Ops 2, but a patch should be coming soon for fixing this piece of sheep
( I won't explain here how it works, but look at the dirt next to that thing, you've just got to imagine that the lighter dirt was supposed to be over that freaking dark mud -
btw MeMetr how did you get that font ?
LKurama what do you mean?
Look at my screenshots, like Dempsey's name is written
The letters aren't exactly the same -
MeMetr better ?
AdrX003 No worries, I'm already using a custom font
LKurama yes did you fixed that? can i try it now?
MeMetr Soon, let me upload an update first
Fixed too -
This looks so fresh
New update !
A great text for nothing
Hello people ! I'd like to thank you all, guys, for your support !
This project was really important for me and honeslty, it might be the last update coming there !
I don't say it's finished at 100%, not at all, but I've made enough for the moment. We are all humans and we all know that humans need to get some rest. That's what I need after a couple of months, with some problems and great changings on my Real Life.
(You can note that : I've got a Real Life)
What you exaclty want
The patch is the entire project.
As I said before, you won't need to download that if you have downloaded the zip file above if you have downloaded it after this message obviously. Thanks for your patience.
Little patchnote :
- RayGun MK2 a bit improved
- M14 sound changed
- AK-74u sound + texture changed
- Upgraded camo changed (it is now the good one)
- Changed a lot of ground textures as mud, dirt, grass, etc.
- Fixed black pixels on bunker wall textures.
- Light effects are really more glowing
- Shield texture (not too much but a little bit)
- More wood in HD
- Is there more snowflakes coming from the skies ? (I don't really know)
- Fixed that strange dark dirt
- Changed Panzer incoming sound
- Changed Knife + stab sounds
- Disk normal map has changed
- Remington 870 MCS firing sound replaced by the KRM-262
- Improved HUD ammo numbers (thanks @iAmKappy )
Where can I download that ?
Here or at the top this page -
LKurama Hmm gonna test