AFK for Zombies
So the other Script by Nathan31973 is what I want but his do not work. While Sorex works.
I tried mashing them together and yeah it kinda worked. The player is recognized AFK and as soon as he moves a few steps he is no longer afk.
While AFK godmode & ignoreme is on.
The Problem is they can shoot and still do not get hit by them. So I need a solution to disable the AFK = True status when a player melees shoots or aims.
Current Code:
init() // entry point { level thread onplayerconnect(); } onplayerconnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread onplayerspawned(); player.clientid = level.clientid; level.clientid++; } } onplayerspawned() { level endon( "game_ended" ); self endon("disconnect"); self iprintlnbold("^2GSC loaded!"); old_origin = self.origin; old_angles = self getPlayerAngles(); seconds_to_be_afk = 5; // Change this value to change wait time to be afk counter = 0; wait 5; // Wait time to turn on AFK Script for(;;) { old_origin = self.origin; old_angles = self getPlayerAngles(); wait 1; if(distance(old_origin, self.origin) <= 1 && old_angles == self getPlayerAngles() && counter < seconds_to_be_afk) { counter++; } else if(counter == seconds_to_be_afk) { self.ignoreme = 1; // Zombies wont find the player self enableInvulnerability(); // God mode is on self thread print_to_all( + " is ^1AFK"); old_origin = self.origin; old_angles = self getPlayerAngles(); while(distance(old_origin, self.origin) <= 5 || old_angles != self getPlayerAngles()) { old_angles = self getPlayerAngles(); wait 0.05; } self.sessionstate = "playing"; counter = 0; } else if(counter < seconds_to_be_afk) { self.ignoreme = 0; // Zombies will find the player again self disableInvulnerability(); // God mode is off } else if(counter > seconds_to_be_afk) { counter = 0; } } } endgame_fix(){ self endon("disconnect"); level endon("end_game"); level waittill("connected", player); for(;;){ wait 1; counter = 0; foreach(player in level.players){ if(player.sessionstate == "spectator" || !isAlive(player)) counter++; } if(counter == level.players.size) level notify("end_game"); } } print_to_all( msg ){ foreach( player in level.players) player iprintln( msg ); }