iw4m admin error how do i fix
how do i fix it
i did stil the same thing
Duui YT It indicates that it could not find the server that uses port 4976. For this you must have the server open so that iw4m admin can connect.
Kalitos i did it gives me the same error
Duui YT 1. Surely your server uses that port (4976)
2. Are you running iw4m admin on the same pc as the server? -
Kalitos yes and my server is on 4976 when i run the server it tel me connecting udp on port 4976
Duui YT Can you see your server in the server list?
Kalitos no i have to do connect localhost:4976 but by friends can
Well you made a mistake while configuring your server.
Maybe you answered "n" to "use pluto t6 parser"?
Or you punched in the wrong rcon password.
Post a screenshot (or the text directly in code tags) of the "servers" section in configuration/IW4MAdminSettings.json.