Change the fps cap
"MattyS Can you read? The jump issue is not present on EVERY cod title. Other cod titles DO NOT ALLOW YOU TO FLOAT when your FPS is high. T6 does. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about."
RektInator I said to change it to 333 fps because that issue isn't present at that fps. No point in locking the thread because I will just make a new one
Xerces lol that's a good way to kill a good chunk of the player base especially cod 4, imagine if all games capped everyone's fps at 60 just because the devs thought that people with expensive pcs had an unfair advantage
MattyS Ok How about you host your own server that doesn't have a client fps limit so you and the other like minded individuals can play at the fps you want to?
Though I'd recommend not making another topic discussing this. Each time you make one your likelihood of getting banned from the forum goes up. The devs already gave the reason for the default limit, and you aren't going to be able to change their minds.