[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)
Are you using the compiled version? Another words, the file you put into your highrise folder, does it end with “-compiled”? -
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jeison2 para este mod? o para que?
DaddyDontStop Hey, I have the problem where the symbols dont light up when walked on, but I dont use the compiled file. Do i need to use the compiled file?
Yes pluto needs custom scripts to be compiled -
I've tried your compiled file but it didnt work either, what do you recommand me to try?
Message me on discord -
Can I have both this and the richtofen side mods downloaded at the same time and both in the same zm_highrise folders? Or does it need to be only one or something like that
Never tested but i would just have one in the folder at a time to be safe -
DaddyDontStop https://github.com/DaddyDontStop/Die-Rise-Maxis-EE-v2.0-/releases/tag/v2.0 lo encontré mira pero no se si funcione lo probare de todas formas lo encontré el el link de este youtuber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouGH3CIPDg8
I don't know if it's too late to ask, but I really can't find the compiled file (sorry I'm new to this
On the github page in “releases” -
Thanks for answering, I already installed the compiled file, when I start the game and I stand on top of the elevator it just doesn't light up (that is, it doesn't start the EE)
is the nav table built? -
No, I'll ask and come back
DaddyDontStop how do i download the file help
its not but okay -
undefined Hadi77KSA referenced this topic on
DaddyDontStop is this still active ??