Decided to just Make a quick Victus PaP Camo
Decided to just Make a quick Victus PaP Camo Its not the best but Here Enjoy
DL Here:
PS: Ill more then likely make more since it was fun to just throw this togetherTo install Just Drag and Drop into your t6r/data/images folder if you don't have them Create them
Gloves Not Included Ill figure that out eventually as well
Memeking254 the official path is
nice camo tho -
@M0untainLight6 Thanks Really appreciate it Thanks for the path also lol, Heard you had a bit of experience if i wanted to add like a .PNG to a Camo is it just Drag and drop since the first time I tried it it fucked the entire camo and turned it fully black and bugged it out not sure why maybe because i didn't compress it correctly or something of that sort
PS also noticed that the reflections for this camo can sometimes make the entire camo look strange at times anyway to fix that issue as well or thats just how it is?
Memeking254 hmmm, thats weird if you want we can try to fix this over on discord, Evolight#9171
as for the reflection issue, you'll have to decrease the opacity to somewhere around 20-30% iirc, didnt try tho
where'd u get the akatsuki gloves. looks clean asf
Crq Got them From Gewehr Heres the Link Enjoy They make good stuff as well
Memeking254 thank you!!
Memeking254 this in purple, blue or green would be gorgeous
camo link is dead