Made Another Camo :D
I don't really see Pink PaP Camos Which I can Just assume there are a good Number of them out there but i decided to throw one together ( I also Included the .DDS Files for anyone if you want to take a look at those and learn to make your own Camos)
Preview 2:Also The reflection Issue that my last camo Had should be fixed as show in preview 2 as in the last camo i made it would Reflect with Zero Light hitting the weapon
Download Here:
also Thanks @M0untainLight6 For the Suggestion on how to Fix the Reflection Issue
to install Extract the .IWI Files into: pluto_t6_full_game/t6r/data/images
if you do not have those Folder Create Them
(The .DDS files are not Needed I added them incase people wanted to see the base of the camo and what not and Edit the Camo to Their Liking)
Memeking254 good job!
How do you do the camouflages on zombies that you use?