[ZM] #1 Tentha's Reflective Rainbow Texture Pack
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Thanks and I'm very happy with how it looks
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@Tentha Lekker man
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Looks amazing!
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@Tentha AHHHH so pretty OMG, GREAT WORK!
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@Tentha only work in this maps? or no
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@Tentha is the pack animated at all???
@Tentha So if it only works on those three maps or on all zombie maps?
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@Tentha Excuse me, I'm trying to locate the ammunition part of the Raygun, that space that is colored. I don't know if you understand me, but I'll leave you an image, please, it would be very helpful if you send them to me, because I love that it looks like this. Great job!
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@Tentha Finally some good content ! Congrats for your impressive work !
Bedankt -
i love color gay : )