Choppy/stuttering gameplay while playing Multiplayer & Zombies
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone has an answer/solution to a problem I'm having with World at War.
A couple of days ago I bought WaW on Steam and found out about Plutonium. I started playing a multiplayer match and immediately noticed some choppiness and stuttering while playing.
I went ahead and took a look at the graphics settings etc.
I've tried playing with Sync Every Frame on, since I have an old 60hz monitor, but this didn't solve the choppiness/stuttering and also gave me terrible input lag, so I turned it off again.
I did a quick google search and found out about the console command: ''com_maxfps 0''. This showed some improvement but still the choppiness/stuttering was there. I've also read somewhere that I had to change the setting: ''Dual Video Cards'' On, but still there's some choppiness/stuttering.
I've tried changing the target of the Plutonium shortcut to: ''C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start "" /affinity 3F D:\Users''username''\Downloads\Games\Plutonium.exe +set sys_smp_allowed 0'' since I have a Ryzen 5 2600, but I'm not really noticing any improvement.
(Btw, I'm running the game on a RX 580 8GB and Ryzen 5 2600 with 16GB RAM.)So now my question is, does anyone else have this choppiness/stuttering with this game on ''newer'' hardware and is there a way to fix this, because I remember running this game on some crappy old hardware from 2009 and this game used to run a whole lot better.
I hope I've provided enough info, if not, please let me know.
Thanks in advance,