Just a Question for Teh_Bandit
teh_bandit If you don't mind me asking. Your ColdWar Mod for zombies. I really like your concept of the healthbar. I was wondering if you can separate it from the rest of your scripts and make it an individual script that works.
#include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_weapons; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_message; #include maps\mp\_utility; init() { level thread onPlayerConnect(); } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread health_bar_hud(); } } health_bar_hud() { level endon("end_game"); self endon("disconnect"); flag_wait("initial_blackscreen_passed"); health_bar = self createprimaryprogressbar(); if (level.script == "zm_buried") { health_bar setpoint(undefined, "BOTTOM", -335, -95); } else if (level.script == "zm_tomb") { health_bar setpoint(undefined, "BOTTOM", -335, -100); } else { health_bar setpoint(undefined, "BOTTOM", -335, -70); } health_bar.hidewheninmenu = 1; health_bar.bar.hidewheninmenu = 1; health_bar.barframe.hidewheninmenu = 1; health_bar_text = self createprimaryprogressbartext(); if (level.script == "zm_buried") { health_bar_text setpoint(undefined, "BOTTOM", -410, -95); } else if (level.script == "zm_tomb") { health_bar_text setpoint(undefined, "BOTTOM", -410, -100); } else { health_bar_text setpoint(undefined, "BOTTOM", -410, -70); } health_bar_text.hidewheninmenu = 1; while (1) { if (isDefined(self.e_afterlife_corpse)) { if (health_bar.alpha != 0) { health_bar.alpha = 0; health_bar.bar.alpha = 0; health_bar.barframe.alpha = 0; health_bar_text.alpha = 0; } wait 0.05; continue; } if (health_bar.alpha != 1) { health_bar.alpha = 1; health_bar.bar.alpha = 1; health_bar.barframe.alpha = 1; health_bar_text.alpha = 1; } health_bar updatebar(self.health / self.maxhealth); health_bar_text setvalue(self.health); wait 0.05; } }
Kalitos Thanks!
glad someone told u, have a great day