When joining a server my game will suddenly crash. (Not all the time but often.)
I have no idea as to why this is happening but I checked around a bit on the forums and I saw that you can check %localappdata%/Plutonium\crashdumps and see if you have any issues there but the only files I could find were r2811. Is anyone else experiencing the same issue?
Thanks for the help in advance. -
DefiMice Can you be clearer or provide a video?
Is the game window closed or is the bootstrapper closed as well? Any error message? -
Resxt Hi, I do not get any error message, only the game client crashes. I will provide a video as well. Should I send it here or somewhere else? (Might take a couple min since I have to capture the moment :D)
DefiMice If only your game window closes and your bootstrapper stays open then this is probably your issue
Cannot join server with mods or custom maps (game window never starting)
Stay in the main menu or close your game if you're already stuck without the game window opened then run IW5-delete-mods-folder.bat
Until Plutonium fixes that issue you'll have to do that when the issue occurs.If the issue still persists then upload a video to Youtube or any website and send the link here
Resxt For sure I will continue with your solution, thanks a lot. I managed to get a record when the game crashed, here it is.
DefiMice Ah yes thanks it's way clearer with the video.
Yeah your issue is what I mentioned.
The server has a mod running and the game window fails to start, it's a Plutonium issue.
Until it's fixed you can run the bat I gave you fun every time you have the issue (or whenever you boot up your game to make sure it doesn't happen in the first time) -
I have the same issue, are there any solutions to that?