error code 9834
I've been facing problems for a month.
At first, I played for a whole week without any Error, after that my game crashed every time I tried to play, sometimes a played around 1 hour before crashing, other times every 5 minutes or less the game would crash without displaying any ERROR message. Just closing the game and the Plutonium app.
But now, with this update, the ERROR code 9834 have been a problem.
I tried re-installing the program, special authorization within the antivirus and Windows defender.
I also have this problem. ive tried everything and it still wont work. please can anoyne help? its been like this for the past 2 days
Me pasa lo mismo, "error 9834"
Fry uhhh this is dumbo mode. pls fix my man phillip j. fry
I have the same issue. New user.
also a new user, getting this error code
it was working before I connected my controller to ds4, and now every time I run it I get the error lol
Still got the same problem
also got the same problem
Hi, same issue here , canβt even connect to Zombie online service.
9834 ;/ ;/
Yo no soy de jugar mucho al bo2, pero desde que lo utilizo me iba bien, ahora sale error code 9834 y lo mucho que he podido intentar es meterme en la terminal que me abre para poder hacer algo, pero todas las pantallas de Plutonium que se abren, salen en negro, no se avanza del inicio del juego.
Espero que lo solucionen pronto
My friend had this same error code recently (like 2 days ago) and he fixed it by switching to another network. Repairing game files, reinstalling plutonium, etc. didn't fix it. This leads me to believe that it's some sort of network issue for those of you who are having this issue. I don't know a fix for it sadly, but hopefully this information is useful to someone. Cheers.
Fry Have you guys found a fix yet? still got the same shit happening after using steam downloaded bo2 and torrent downloaded. Error 9834
GoldenHalo what do you mean by switching to another network?
GoldenHalo It worked to my friend. Thanks m8!
Jewden Try switching to another internet connection
Fry Is there a fix yet? Mine is still doing it, worked fine yesterday but is now just going to the black screen.
podra I just had that same error but in my case I just installed everything yesterday and early today, poor thing closing the session in plutonium.exe and I can now play online with active servers, I don't know if it's correct but it worked for me