make script text longer?
when i make a script that says something like:
self IPrintLnBold( "text here" );
the text shows for about 3 seconds, any way or trick to show it longer?
Aprazoh If you want a message to stay longer you can use a hudelem in GSC.
createserverfontstring( font, fontscale, team ) { if ( isdefined( team ) ) fontelem = newteamhudelem( team ); else fontelem = newhudelem(); fontelem.elemtype = "font"; fontelem.font = font; fontelem.fontscale = fontscale; fontelem.x = 0; fontelem.y = 0; fontelem.width = 0; fontelem.height = int( level.fontheight * fontscale ); fontelem.xoffset = 0; fontelem.yoffset = 0; fontelem.children = []; fontelem setparent( level.uiparent ); fontelem.hidden = 0; return fontelem; }
in _hud_util.gsc