ZM - Script for LEGIT HighRounds Solo
Hey ! I made 5 scrips for 5 different map !
PS : Don't put every scripts at same time in you'r folder, if you want to play buried, just put buried, if you want to play origins put origins.
I show you everything 1 by 1Tranzit & Tranzit Firstbox :
BackSpeed fix
FOV 90
Depth of Field : disable
Timer Round
SPH at round 30+
Bank is full
Fridge have Galil upgraded
Spawn character Misty
Spawn with permaperks : MiniJugg / Red instakill / Tombstone / Multi Headshots etc..Tranzit Firstbox have same as Tranzit, Below round 10 you have in the box only : Emp / Monkey / MK2 , After round 10, the box is like normal box, so you can trade etc
Die Rise & Die Rise Firstbox :
[NEW] TrampleSteam overlay
BackSpeed fix
FOV 90
Depth of Field : disable
Timer Round
SPH at round 30+
Bank is full
Fridge have AN-94 upgraded
Spawn character Misty
Spawn with permaperks : MiniJugg / Red instakill / Tombstone / Multi Headshots etc..Die Rise Firstbox have same as Die Rise, Below round 10 you have in the box only : Monkey / MK2 , After round 10, the box is like normal box, so you can trade etc
MOB & MOB Firstbox :
[NEW] Trap Timer overlay
HighRound zombie health fix
BackSpeed fix
FOV 90
Depth of Field : disable
Timer Round
SPH at round 30+Mob Firstbox have same as Mob, Below round 10 you have in the box only : MK2 / Blunder / PDW-57, After round 10, the box is like normal box, so you can trade etc
Buried & Buried Firstbox :
[NEW] Buildable Count overlay
HighRound zombie health fix
BackSpeed fix
FOV 90
Depth of Field : disable
Timer Round
SPH at round 30+
Bank is full
Fridge have AN-94 upgraded
Spawn character Misty
Spawn with permaperks : MiniJugg / Red instakill / Tombstone / Multi Headshots etc..Buried Firstbox have same as Buried, Below round 10 you have in the box only : MK2 / Paralyzer (slowgun) / Monkey / Time Bomb, After round 10, the box is like normal box, so you can trade etc
Origins & Origins Firstbox :
BackSpeed fix
FOV 90
Depth of Field : disable
Timer Round
SPH at round 30+Origins Firstbox have same as Origins, Below round 10 you have in the box only : MK2 / Scar-H / Monkey, After round 10, the box have M32 only (because you didnt need to trade in origins, i have only add M32 at round 10+ for speedrunning High Round !
I hope you test everything and report me every bugs you can see PLEASE !
Have fun
[VERY IMPORTANT] IF YOU PLAY ON PLUTONIUM YOU NEED TO PUT THE FIX (he is in the folder) If you didn't add this to your scripts folder on plutonium, you are not legit by the community !Download Version Without FIRSTBOX : Version FIRSTBOX : !
looking good ! good job !
Naomi_ wtb using zm_buried folder for buried on zm script , zm_tomb for origins, doing this you can have all the scripts in and they will not marge with each-other
DA663R Thanks for the tips
Naomi_ It is isn't necessary to patch wait_network_frame() because the patch that increased the tickrate was reverted.
JezuzLizard said in ZM - Script for LEGIT HighRounds Solo:
It is isn't necessary to patch wait_network_frame() because the patch that increased the tickrate was reverted.
Oh really? that cool ! thanks for the information
Naomi_ do you have a decompiled version I could use, I like your scripts but I'd like to disable some of the things you added
Naomi_ I have a question. I saw that in the buried script you made it to where you always spawn as Misty I was wondering if you could make a script where you always spawn as weasel from mob of the Dead and you always spawn as stealinger for the transit maps..
This post is deleted!
Hello !
I start all my script with this script
Here you have the basics, i hope its help you -
Naomi_ Hey boss, sorry to bother you, but I'm a complete noob when it comes to this. I want to install this file just for MOTD. However, I'm confused with the last part regarding "Put the fix" I do play on plutonium and was wondering how to do that. Every time I install the mega folder, it opens as a notepad (Not sure if that's okay, lmao). Also, is there any specific folder I'll need to place this in? Again, sorry for the various questions I'm entirely new with this community and would love to try this script out!
MrDonSito you take the mob script, and just put this on your folder
just put it in this folder, and if you want, just create a new folder in this folder name : zm_prison, and put it in that, its better !- You don't need to put the fix anymore, its fix so don't worry about that
Apparently the permaperks didnt work, someone can confirm me that ?
in case their is a problem with this, please use this one : it only in solo, thanks to Bandit for helping me to make this one !
Sorry for bothering just wondering if you have a script to just spawn as Misty? Thanks
hey I noticed that you had been able to make it so you always play as misty on the maps with the tranzit crew so I'm wondering if its possible to do this with weasel in motd for soloing the easter egg
do you have like a script only for a timer and round timers i rlly need them for motd?
Do you have a script only for misty, im deseprate to make these gloves work in town and stuff
Synoticc you can find it in the cod records discord