Can't join Zombies servers (Console Info)
I know the staff must be aware of this by now but I'd thought I'd help by providing what I get in console myself when trying to join servers in case it helps.
Matchmaking returned 1 results Party 0 has avg ping 70 Registered new address handle (not resolved) in slot 0 of 260, 259 remain Connecting to party in slot 0 Asking if another party has room for 1 players SOCKETROUTER: Disconnectng from handle index 0 Disconnecting from - join attempt failed Calling Party_StopParty() on lobby Clearing migration data execing default_xboxlive_sp.cfg from fastfile '2' is not a valid value for dvar 'party_maxlocalplayers' Domain is any integer from 1 to 1 execing reset_bindings_sp.cfg from fastfile '2' is not a valid value for dvar 'party_maxlocalplayers' Domain is any integer from 1 to 1 Calling dwFindSessions() looking for a lobby with 1 free slots, with playlist 1, mapPack flags of 2, playlist version 4, performance 0 finding sessions with gameMode 0, gametype 0, netcodeversion 3141, mappacks 2, playlistversion 4, teamsize 1, performance 0 dwCheckConnections() Secure socket timing out in 5 seconds. countedAddrHandle 0 dwCheckConnections() Secure socket timed out. countedAddrHandle 0 Clearing addrhandle on main thread EXE_ERROR_SEARCHINGFOR_SESSION - R_Cinematic_BeginLostDevice()... DB_BeginRecoverLostDevice()... R_ResetModelLighting()... R_ReleaseAllModels()... R_ReleaseLostImages()... R_ReleaseWorld()...
Thanks for the hard work you guys do!
Tenth yep, it's being worked on.
Dss0 I'm still getting this