[ZM] BO1 Custom Camo Mega Pack (1000+ Camos for Weapons, Maps, Skins & more!)
GhostRider0125 I can send you a camo pack that's 2 gigs if you want it
yeeh thats cool but its better to send it here somebody might want only your camos too
yo which one is the mpl?
GhostRider0125 they're already within this camo pack I used tgh until I found these
SirHerboXI i know but its so big just to get camos
RainingZombies How the fuck do I install each and every one into my game, Wont that take forever?
GhostRider0125 we've being making bo1 camos for 5 years.
AkaHexx no, installing them is really simple. here's a video on how to do it. it's made for steam but it works the same for pluto. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3QDEU1A16E
i NEED that mpl camo
but i can't download the 11 giga file for some reason
Pastore65 might not work sometimes, it's a common google drive problem i think. just try again in like one hour
RainingZombies ok lol i actually managed to download that
can i know the name of the mpl camo? it will be hard to find without clues ahah
can you send the 2 gb camos you sayed please
RainingZombies I did them all one by one last night. Thank you though figured it out myself in the end.
where did you get these from?
Booty Tickler most of them were posted in this custom camo discord server https://discord.gg/92xxxujxQc
Pastore65 should be this one \Community Camos\Weapons\Wall Weapons\MPL\Dark Matter
RainingZombies thank you ^^
AkaHexx can u plz help me i cant figure it out
sadge i got camos for guns to work from another pack by putting it in images but i cant figure out how to change the mysterybox skin or the zombie models and map design
Tommyblueee Just put them all in iw_42.iwd or something it worked for me just follow the tutorial I got linked.
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