Rank / stats not saving
I can launch and play just fine however when I exit and quit plutonium my BO1 rank resets to 1. Oddly enough my create a class saves but can’t use them till rank 4 again. Also if I try selecting that class it kicks me. I saw another thread saying you can only use the last 5 slots and not the top 5 you unlock otherwise you get kicked. Just wondering if anyone has found a hot fix to these issues. Find it strange how others are able to use create a class features and not me.
same issue
ok this might sound weird but try going into the game using the resetstats command then unlock all again using this command statSetByName rank 49;statSetByName plevel 15;statSetByName rankxp 1262500;statsetbyname codpoints 2147000000. create 3 custom classes change everything. then restart the game. I had the same issue and this fixed it. Good luck
I had same issue, but found small solution - play whole round, earn as many ranks as possible, then wait till next round starts, exit match and all ranks/stats should be saved.
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